Reserve a pickleball court, rent a pickleball court, book a pickleball court in Lisse
Pickleball in Lisse is gaining popularity. The city boasts 1
pickleball location with a total of 3 pickleball court
s. Whether you're a beginner or advanced player, you can play pickleball
in Lisse and easily book a court.
Lisse offers a variety of pickleball courts. All pickleball courts in Lisse are indoor.
Pickleball courts in Lisse are perfect for anyone looking to try this trending sport or improve their skills. Whether it's training, casual games, or competitions, Lisse is an ideal place to dive into the world of pickleball.
Pickleball locations in Lisse
In Lisse spelen wij iedere woensdag van 10.00 uur tot 11.30 uur pickleball. Waar: Sporthal Ter Specke, Spekkelaan 1 in Lisse Voor wie: Iedereen is welkom, van jong volwassenen tot op hoge leeftijd. Ervaring is niet nodig, al doende leert men! Materialen: Deze zijn aanwezig. Neem alleen je sportschoenen en makkelijk zittende kleding mee. Kosten: Ongeveer 5 euro per keer. Omdat wij nog in de opbouwfase zijn, kan dit bedrag in de nabije toekomst nog wat aangepast worden. Van harte welkom om eens mee te komen spelen! Neem gerust vrienden en vriendinnen mee. Pickleball Lisse is een initiatief van: - Sportfondsen Lisse – Christiaan Germans, medewerker Sport, Bewegen & Activiteiten - Lisse Actief en LTC – Magda Berkenbosch - In samenwerking met Pickleball Holland – Bernadette Snijders Contact: Mail uw naam en telefoonnummer (of stel uw vragen) en wij nemen contact met u op.
About Lisse
Pickleball has quickly grown into one of the most popular racket sports in America, and it is no surprise that it has also become a true sensation in Lisse. This dynamic sport combines elements of tennis, table tennis, and badminton, making it an accessible and enjoyable activity for players of all ages and skill levels. In Lisse, you will find various high-quality pickleball courts designed to meet the needs of both beginners and advanced players.
Pickleball in Lisse is not only known for its excellent facilities and sense of community but also for the beautiful locations where many of the courts are situated. Players can enjoy playing in the fresh air, surrounded by stunning cityscapes or calming natural landscapes.
Other Pickleball Cities
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