The Hague Open 2024
Saturday 8 June 2024
08:30 - 19:00
- Routebeschrijving
- Krishna, Iwan, Erik, Rik and Chris
About The Hague Open 2024
Registration and Help
Welcome to The Hague Open 2024! We're so excited to offer you another fun one-day pickleball competition. This year we'll be running the tournament on on the day via Pickleball Global. We have 9 courts available from 10am, with another 9 available from 12pm, until 8pm. Due to the second hall availability lagging behind the first, we will likely have to stagger division start times.
Please select your preferred playing level when registering. Three doubles events are available: men's, women's and mixed. Registration takes place on a first-come, first-served basis.
After registration closes, we will match remaining non-partnered players as best we can. If you're having any difficulties linking up with your partner please let us know and we'll manually take care of it.
For general enquiries and assistance, please email us at:Â
We'll see you then!
-Krishna, Iwan, Erik, Rik and Chris.
The Schedule and Rules
Each division is a round robin tournament, with three level divisions: up to 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0+ (open). The precise schedule will be made known closer to the date, once the number of participants is known, but we plan to start at 10am.
Games will be played to 11 points, with the victors requiring two clear points.
IFP rules will apply, i.e. drop serves are legal, players cannot pre-spin the ball with their paddle or fingers before serving, and there are no let serves.
We reserve the right to combine levels, given the available court capacity and registration level distribution, in order to ensure everyone can play at least 4 games. Similarly, if it becomes clear that a particular level risks becoming oversubscribed, we may decide to close registration for that particular level to ensure quality of play.
Refunds will be available up until the registration closing date, subject to a €15 admininstration fee.
The Ball
Joola Primo
The Venue
The Hague Open 2023 will take place in the city's modern and impressive Sportcampus Zuiderpark, spanning two nine-court halls (breedtesporthal A and B). We'll be playing on badminton courts with taped kitchen lines. Each hall is divided into three sections of three courts, with barriers dividing each section to minimise straying balls interrupting play on adjacent courts.
Meester P. Droogleever Fortuynweg 22,
2533 SR Den Haag
Please visit the official site for more information about the facility:Â